Hi, I’m Cade.

I occasionally write stuff, so I’m also, allegedly, a writer. Thanks for entertaining that notion by showing up, which you definitely didn’t have to do.

Content on here falls into three categories:

More serious. Attempts at Journalism? Think-blogs. Newsier.

Looser. Nearly fiction. Essayettes. Often digressive.

The rest of it. Mostly Bits.

I guess this place is meant to be some hybrid of blog, portfolio, and peer-pressure device.

I’ll be adding some new material as I make it to the preexisting content.

So I’d better go do that, now that you’re here and I’m paying for the pleasure of borrowing this domain.

Here’s some recent stuff:

Liberty, Lost in Translation

[Essay]: Americans are currently dying at 5x the rate of the rest of the world. Our failed pandemic response begins with a fundamental misreading of liberty. Recovery will require naming—and reconciling—its multiple definitions.

Discord // The Gradual Normalcy

[Story]: “Well it began with the sirens. And, of course, the sunset with no clouds at all and the gradient sky hanging, dying over the rooftop and up there the wailing didn’t seem so bad.”


[Etcetera]: Wherein I take things that aren’t mine and rearrange them just enough to achieve a passing semblance of originality; so business as usual.

I’m originally from Austin and currently live in D.C. This is ultimately my attempt at doing something beyond eating and paying rent.

The banana thing started as another Bit but now I’m invested in the aesthetic.