Hi, I’m Cade.

I also allegedly write stuff. Thanks for entertaining that notion by showing up, which you definitely didn’t have to do.

This is my attempt at doing something beyond eating and paying rent.

The content on here falls into three categories:

More stodgy. Attempts at Journalism? Earnest think-piece neo-blogs. This is a blurb in progress.

Looser. Closer to Fiction (?) but infrequently there. Essayettes. Not-poems. Digressions wrapped into prose wrapped into docs.

I guess this place is meant to be something between a blog and a portfolio, which are weird terms.

I’ll be adding new material to preexisting content as I make it.

So I had better go and make something, now that you’re here.

Here’s some recent stuff:

Liberty, Lost in Translation

Americans are dying at 5x the rate of the rest of the world. Our failed pandemic response stems from a failed understanding of liberty, an all-American virtue suffocated by a curdled national selfishness pawned off as exceptionalism. Read more:


Discord // The Gradual Normalcy

“Well it began with the sirens. And, of course, the sunset with no clouds at all and the gradient sky hanging, dying over the rooftop and up there the wailing didn’t seem so bad.” Read more:



This is a blurb describing xxxx. Find it in section yyyy.

I’m originally from Austin and currently live in D.C. I’m bad with fun facts. Hi Mom.

If we’re being honest, the banana bit has gotten away from me at this point. Tweet me about it.