Hi, I’m Cade.

Welcome to my website. I write (and do other things) and occasionally put some of it on here.

I’m originally from Austin and currently live in D.C.

I pay rent by working in communications, which is silly and mostly made-up, and I write to avoid dwelling on that.

I do not have a senator or a dentist.

My content falls into three categories:


More straight. Think-ish pieces. Better grammar.


Looser. Essayettes. Fiction?


The rest of it. Mostly bits. Often frivolous.

Here’s some recent work:


No Forgiveness for the Shaggy

Published in The Blood Pudding

“It was the first day of summer and I was recently bald.”


Endlessly Ebbing

Published in Big Whoopie Deal

A departure in (exactly) 100 words.


So, Your Supply Chain Violates the Geneva Convention

Published in Robot Butt

We’re here to help.


for: MAC

Published in The Daily Drunk

An ode to Mac Miller.

The Rambling Stone Newsletter

Released semi-regularly by some estimates, but those have been disputed. Catch up on past issues:

Let’s connect:

What I think I’m getting at

I very much want to test out my theory that you and I are basically the same, that what it’s like being me shares a rhythm with what it’s like being you, and writing is the only way I’ve found I’m able to begin doing that.

Thanks for coming.